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Cycling deaths in selected countries

Statistics from IRTAD (the OECD's International Road Traffic and Accident Database) for selected countries

1965 129
159 952
1216 2270 425

1970 98 132 152 867 2094 1204 2522 512 28 390 760
1971 85 170 150 804 1950 1091 2263 549 29 440 860
1972 89 179 104 794 1976 1174 2283 558 22 386 990
1973 87 187 136 725 1740 1055 2210 509 30 350 1070
1974 78 182 107 626 1642 1056 1689 460 26 297 1040
1975 85 185 118 616 1656 918 1630 456 18 301 1003
1976 93 156 82 701 1636 815 1472 500 14 307 914
1977 101 135 113 635 1606 718 1408 500 21 318 922
1978 81 135 117 629 1595 706 1447 460 30 330 892
1979 104 128 78 670 1357 676 1307 394 15 337 932
1980 93 121 84 718 1338 688 1366 425 22 316 965
1981 94 126 87 645 1242 662 1287 356 21 317 936
1982 88 99 96 588 1261 656 1167 372 30 303 883
1983 103 112 95 584 1239 619 1245 399 19 337 839
1984 90 125 98 507 1148 558 1231 357 31 358 849
1985 83 120 101 464 931 522 1255 315 21 296 890
1986 78 107 83 477 964 470 1251 311 22 281 941
1987 79 122 87 457 860 509 1193 311 18 292 948
1988 87 125 81 437 898 480 1379 282 20 231 911
1989 98 98 94 444 967 436 1573 332 20 303 832
1990 80 106 110 437 908 477 1509 304 27 267 859
1991 58 102 68 397 925 459 1359 238 22 251 841
1992 41 75 83 379 906 465 1530 250 17 211 722
1993 45 81 69 348 821 445 1635 243 17 192 816
1994 59 86 77 339 825 437 1589 267 15 178 802
1995 48 64 77 395 751 392 1563 267 15 217 833
1996 57 61 88 317 594 414 1464 232 13 208 765
1997 52 70 65 348 679 429 1452 240 12 187 814
1998 44 76 58 318 637 368 1363 194 16 165 760
1999 40 69 59 324 662 397 1374 195 8 173 754
2000 31 40 58 270 659 401 1273 198 19 131 693
2001 46 59 56 256 635 366 1285 195 10 140 732
2002 34 63 52 223 583 326 1305 169 14 133 665
2003 26 45 47 201 616 355 1243 188 6 116 629
2004 43 58 53 179 475 322 1147 157 7 136 727
2005 41 52 41 180 575 335 1105 151 12 152 786
2006 39 73 31 181 486 311 1037 179 9 147 772
2007 41 65 54 142 425 352 989 147 12 138 701
2008 28 42 54 148 456 288 971 145 10 117 718
2009 31
25 162 462 295 933 138 8 104 630


The above statistics take no account of exposure, that is the amount of cycling taking place. For example, deaths in Australia dropped sharply after 1990 which coincides with the introduction of helmet laws that reduced cycle use. Nevertheless, from 1990 to 2009 cyclist deaths in Denmark, France and the UK (without helmet laws) fell more than in Australia (with laws).